
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bloggers Code Of Ethics

I found this on blog I recently started to visit, it's a baking blog because I love them,  It's called Confessions of a Cookbook Queen (also check out I Am Baker, LOVE) anyway, as a blog for a writers craft class, I figured what better way to start it off by learning a code of ethics for polite blogging

I found it completely brilliant, my favourite line was to "leave a comment", which may be why this post has 97 comments. I would really like to follow this but as I adventure into the world of bloggers I have no problem following a blog I find cool, or funny, but when I read the comments and it's all obviously close friends I feel a little awkward... For some reason I am also terrified that the person who is writing the blog is dead now.

(feel free to check out my own baking blog

1 comment:

  1. I checked out your other blog; what cute little creatures! How did it taste?
